Spiraling Down an Axon: How Transcriptomics Can Characterize Tumor Cells and Types for Vestibular Schwannoma  

Tumors are often assumed to be the uncontrollable proliferation of one type of cell, but this study identifies tumor cell type composition and discovers novel tumor classifications for vestibular schwannoma using transcriptomic analysis. Barrett et al. uncover and characterize the diversity of cell types within VS, find that VS Schwann cells resemble those of peripheral…

About Me: Lizabella Nadelson

Hi, I am Lizabella Nadelson, a graduating B.S. Biology senior at Davidson College. My interest in biology lies in disease prevention, particularly in autoimmune disease and metabolic disorders. I hope to pursue a career in medicine and to further learn how to integrate genomic research and lifestyle factors into personalized medicine. My experiences include working…

“TB or Not TB”: How Your Genome Can Influence Your Risk for Tuberculosis

Tuberculosis continues to be a leading cause of death globally, but its genetic susceptibility has not yet been completely understood. A meta-analysis consisting of 12 genome-wide association studies (GWAS) studied the heritability and significant genes contributing to tuberculosis susceptibility. This web page was produced as an assignment for an undergraduate course at Davidson College. by…