Cells Shooketh: The sustained immunological and hematological changes associated with Long Covid

A recent study reveals changes in the immune complement system and platelet-associated blood markers may be responsible for sustained symptoms following acute Covid-19 infection, representing hope for understanding the mechanisms behind Long Covid. In 2020, the SARS-CoV-2 virus wreaked havoc on the world, contributing to over seven million cumulative deaths and afflicting many more with…

The scoop on poop: Metagenomic analysis highlights why some bacteria are successful following fecal transplant

Scientists studied the metagenomics of the intestinal microbiome of fecal matter transplant donors and recipients to gain an understanding of which bacterial taxa are successful in recolonizing the fecal transplant recipient’s gut after CDI. Bacterial species that demonstrated genomic evidence of high metabolic independence exhibited better survivability in high-stress conditions than those with lower independence.…