About Me: Lizabella Nadelson

Hi, I am Lizabella Nadelson, a graduating B.S. Biology senior at Davidson College. My interest in biology lies in disease prevention, particularly in autoimmune disease and metabolic disorders. I hope to pursue a career in medicine and to further learn how to integrate genomic research and lifestyle factors into personalized medicine.

My experiences include working on diabetes prevention program (DPP) research and hip resurfacing arthroplasty (HRA) research in orthopedics. Past academic projects included conducting literature reviews on autoimmune thyroid disease and diabetes/obesity prevention.

I am born and raised in San Francisco, California, and thoroughly enjoy a range of outdoors, from walking along the Pacific coastal beaches to hiking up the Yosemite mountains with the most breathtaking views. With a love for adventure and exploring different cultures, I’ve travelled to a number of countries and recently worked in the UK and studied in Denmark.

I love all things latin and ballroom dancing, cultural and historical immersion when traveling, and recommending anything I can along the way.

Feel free to contact me at linadelson@davidson.edu regarding any questions.

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