How can a protein predict cancer prognosis? 

A group of scientists in China combined their classic “wet lab” skills with bioinformatic power to understand how a protein involved in blood coagulation plays a key role in the development of stomach adenocarcinoma. About me: Sofia Doune Bosch This web page was produced as an assignment for an undergraduate course at Davidson College  With…

How does cancer start? Identifying the genetic processes by which lung adenocarcinoma is developed

A whole genome analysis of lung adenocarcinoma tissue shed light into one of the mechanisms by which cancer is developed. Authors identified specific types of mutations and the order in which they happen that lead to developing lung adenocarcinoma. About the author: Sofia Doune Bosch This web page was produced as an assignment for an…

About me: Sofia Doune Bosch

I am Sofia Doune Bosch. I’m originally from Mar del Plata, Argentina. I’m a junior biology major and genomics minor. After Davidson, I intend to pursue a PhD in cellular and molecular biology focusing in clinical or translational research. Something that I love about science is how there is always a new question to answer.…