Into the Aging Mind: Chromatin Accessibility and Restoring Neurogenesis

Disclaimer: This web page was produced as an assignment for an undergraduate course at Davidson College. Inhibiting the cytoskeletal-regulating ROCK kinase reduces adhesions, restoring migratory potential in aged neural stem cells to promote neurogenesis in the aging brain. While we’re aware of the declining regenerative potential with age, the intricacies behind this remain largely obscure,…

Fluttering Genomes: How a Species of Butterfly Changed through Dispersal

Disclaimer: This web page was produced as an assignment for an undergraduate course at Davidson College. Genome sequencing of Parnassius glacialis reveals broad expansion and selective evolution, with genetic differences between high and low-altitude populations indicating past bottlenecks caused increased adaptation to lower altitudes. As our world undergoes constant change, so too do our ecosystems,…

About Me : Abe Hernandez Mujica

*Disclaimer: This web page wasproduced as an assignment for an undergraduate course at Davidson College.* Hello everyone! My name is Abraham (Abe) Hernández Mujica and I am a current Sophomore at Davidson College (‘26). I am a potential Biology & Psychology Double Major with a particular interest in Neuroscience and I am very passionate about…